酒店早餐后参观野柳地质公园,漫游九份梦幻山城,全台最大帘幕式瀑布,十分瀑布,十分车站。 晚上前往参观著名的台夜市。
酒店早餐后,由台北搭乘航班前往北京,抵達擁有 3000 多年悠久歷史的中國帝都北京。專人機場接機,辦理酒店入住手續,休息。
北京是中國跳動的心臟,早餐後,我們將參觀天安門廣場,進入華麗的紫禁城 - 皇帝的宮殿和皇家紅牆。幾個世紀以來,這座建築一直是皇家獨有,禁止平民進入,目前是聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,500 年來只有皇帝、他們的家人和宮廷貴族大臣才能進入。參觀結束後在當地餐廳享用午餐,下午我們將參觀另一個聯合國教科文組織世界遺產-天壇,帝王們去向天祈禱,祈求五穀豐登的地方。晚上安排北京烤鴨歡迎晚宴。
遊覽世界上最具標誌性的景點之一的古老長城。這座被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的砂岩和土方工程建於公元前 5 世紀至公元 16 世紀之間,旨在將野蠻游牧民族拒之門外,綿延約 4,000 英里。我們一路探索其蜿蜒的小徑,並驚嘆於城牆的宏偉全景。返回北京後前往2008年北京奧運會主會場-國家體育場(鳥巢體育場)(外景拍照)
早餐後,遊覽北京老城區:乘坐人力車遊覽胡同,訪問仍居住在這個歷史悠久的社區中的家庭及保存完好的庭院,並在當地居民家中享用午餐。乘飛機前往西安,中國最古老的城市之一。被譽為古代絲綢之路的起點。這座城市擁有 3000 多年的歷史,是中國最輝煌的文化時期之一。晚餐並送往酒店。
參觀世界第八大奇蹟:宏偉的兵馬俑。在 2000 多年前秦始皇安葬的巨大陵墓中,您可以看到與他一起埋葬的 8000 名真人大小的雕刻戰士、弓箭手和步兵。值得注意的是,每個人和馬都被塑造成具有自己獨特的特徵。 1974年,當地農民發現了令人難以置信的考古遺址。下午,我們將參觀大雁塔廣場。 自費項目:晚餐餃子宴和唐朝舞蹈表演:(70USD/人)
遊覽丰都鬼城。 晚上船長歡迎雞尾酒會。
早餐後,我們將下船遊覽三峽大壩。世界上最大的水力發電項目,耗時近 20 年才建成。您將近距離看到這個巨大結構的內部運作。了解大壩如何控制洪水以及它如何導致 125 萬人搬遷。乘坐巴士前往荊州市,這是一個非常古老的歷史名城,位於長江環線的中心。參觀荊州博物館和古城牆。
酒店早餐後,前往陽朔,乘坐竹筏漂流漓江。河兩岸都很美。漓江像一條綠帶,蜿蜒在群山之間。清澈的江水倒映著青山綠水,使它們更加迷人。下午,我們將參觀老城區和少數民族村。 自費項目:山水實景歌舞表演 印象劉三姐(USD 60人)
早餐後返回桂林。在那裡,我們將參觀桂林的象徵——象鼻山,以及著名的桂林茶田。 下午有空閒時間自由探索這座美麗的城市。
在酒店享用早餐後,我們將參觀茶園,茶園周圍環繞著著名的桂林喀斯特山脈。在那裡,您將了解不同類型的茶,然後展示每種茶的製備方法和品嚐茶道。 下午搭乘高鐵前往香港。專人接到酒店。晚上自由活動。
早餐後,香港島半日遊: 1.維多利亞峰:在海拔554米處欣賞令人嘆為觀止的城市全景、維多利亞港、九龍半島及其他地方。 2. 淺水灣泳灘是香港最昂貴的住宅區之一。 3.赤柱市場:這個位於港島南海岸古色古香的赤柱村的市場深受當地人歡迎。
1. Ticket prices for some scenic spots will be adjusted due to the season, final prices may vary based on the price that day. 2. If you need to temporarily change the pick-up location before departure, please be sure to inform us 3 days before the departure date so that we can coordinate arrangements; Surcharges will be made to the itinerary. 3. Due to different departure dates, traffic conditions, hotels, natural disasters, and other force majeure factors, Grand Century Cruises reserves the final right to adjust the itinerary and hotels. 4. The hotel’s check-in time starts at 3:00 PM, and the rooms are all "non-smoking" rooms. Smoking in the room will result in a fine of more than $300 paid by the smoker.
Cancellations can only be made by informing Century Cruises after travel booking. In the event of cancellation, the following conditions will apply: All cancellations shall be made upon receipt of written notice of cancellation from the consumer. Additional charges may apply if consumers intend to resume travel after they or their designated representatives cancel the trip. Such fees include, but are not limited to, air ticket reservations, hotel reservations, domestic transportation, meals, cruises, attraction tickets, administrative fees, and other fees and costs. If one of the double occupants cancels the trip, the other passenger will be charged a single occupancy surcharge. Please note that any type of room type change will incur a change fee. Cancellation fees, calculated per person, based on cancellation date, are as follows: 90 days or more: Non-refundable minimum 50% travel prepaid; 70% of travel cost for 89-60 days; 80% of travel cost for 59-45 days; 90% of travel cost for 44-30 days; Less than 30 days 100% of travel cost Not present on the trip: 100% of travel cost Most optional tours will receive a full refund if you pre-book some of the optional tours on the tour, give cancellation notice at least 48 hours before the tour begins, or if there are not enough people on the optional tour. Century Cruises will not be responsible for any loss of related travel insurance purchased by consumers or personal expenses for preparing the trip caused by the cancellation of the trip.
There are more than 20 nonimmigrant visa types for people traveling to the United States temporarily. There are many more types of immigrant visas for those coming to live permanently in the United States. The type of Visa you need is determined by the purpose of your intended travel. For an overview of visa types, please see Types of Visas for Temporary Visitors or Visa Types for Immigrants.
If your passport with your admission stamp or paper Form I-94 are lost or stolen, you must get them replaced immediately. There are a number of steps you need to take, learn more, see Lost and Stolen Passports, Visas, and Form I-94s.
As of 12:01AM ET on June 12, 2022, Traveler will no longer be required air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 or proof of Covid-19 vaccination and no need to require to wear a mask before board the flight.
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